The Hidden Revenue Killer

Growth Brews - Issue #031

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The Heavy - "Short Change Hero"

I'll let you in on a little secret

For years, I was the poster child for hustle culture, constantly seeking ways to improve, deliver better results, and crush goals in every area of my life. 

I was running on coffee and determination like a caffeinated squirrel on a wheel.

More work, more results, right? 

And boy, did it seem to pay off:

  • Closed a contract with one of the biggest financial institutions in Latin America.

  • Worked with clients spanning multiple continents.

  • Snagged a fully-paid scholarship to study abroad.

  • Immigrated to Canada (hello, maple syrup!).

  • Climbed the corporate ladder like a monkey on Red Bull, going from Growth Marketing Manager to Product Director in just 2.5 years.

Impressive, right? I thought so too. Until I didn't.

The Dark Truth

The Hidden Revenue Killer

Here's the dark truth, my friend. 

While I was achieving goals and looking successful on paper, I was also miserable, exhausted, overwhelmed, and falling apart faster than a cheap suit in a rainstorm. 

It took a full-blown anxiety crisis like I shared here for me to realize I was doing it all wrong.

I bet you or someone you know has been there. It's the invisible enemy of growth, the silent killer of progress.

And here's the kicker – this isn't just a "me" problem. 

In the mad dash for success, countless companies are running their teams into the ground.

It's the invisible enemy chomping away at your company's growth potential right now.

Let me paint you a picture that might hit close to home:

1) You're spending countless hours crafting marketing campaigns that yield about as much as a dry well in the Sahara.

2) You're working 10+ hour days, 7 days a week, trying to juggle every aspect of your business like a one-man circus act.

3) You're on the brink of burnout, with stress seeping into both your work and personal life like an unwelcome houseguest.

Sound familiar?

Meet Noah

Different Outputs: Same Worker

Now, let me introduce you to Noah. No, not the ark guy – this Noah works at a coffee stand in the Four Seasons Las Vegas. 

(Stick with me, this is going somewhere good.)

When asked if he loved his job, Noah's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store:

"I love it here!" – he exclaimed. 


Because throughout the day, managers would check in on him, asking if he had everything he needed to do his job well. He felt good in that place and did his best.

Plot twist: Noah also worked at Caesars Palace. Same job, same Noah, entirely different story. There, he kept his head down, just trying to get through the day to collect his paycheck.

Here's Noah's entire story from Simon Sinek, if you want to check it out.

The difference? The environment.

At the Caesars Palace, Noah felt management was only trying to ensure they were doing everything right and catching them when something was wrong.

Doesn't it resemble the hustle culture I mentioned at the beginning? Always pushing to do everything right and get the best results?

If you thought about that, you're 100% right.

The Caesar's Palace Effect

Is your company like the Caesar's Palace cafe?

As Simon Sinek described in the video above, at the Four Seasons Hotel, he felt people were actually happy when greeting him, they were not doing it because they were told to.

Because of that environment, he had so much fun buying a cup of coffee that he gave Noah a 100% tip.

Now, ask yourself: Which cafe is more likely to grow? The one where employees are engaged and thriving, or the one where they're just clock-watching?

It's a no-brainer, right? But here's where it gets juicy. 

Your company might be the Caesars Palace in this story without you even realizing it.

It doesn't matter if you have the best talent, tools, and processes…

You need to provide the resources so your team can thrive and grow with your company.

Think about it… How can you expect to achieve stellar growth if your team is:

  • As disengaged as a teenager at a family dinner.

  • About as productive as a sloth on vacation.

  • Hemorrhaging clients faster than a leaky bucket.

  • Making more mistakes than a bull in a china shop.

  • Leaving the company quicker than rats from a sinking ship.

That's the effects of the hustle culture if you're not smart about it. It turns into an invisible enemy to your company's growth.

Breaking the Cycle

Are you ready to exit this trap?

So, how do we escape the hustle trap? It starts with a hard look in the mirror.

For me, it meant what today is part of my CLEAR method for growth:

  • Choosing focus over frantic multitasking.

  • Setting boundaries and realistic expectations.

  • Being my own cheerleader instead of my harshest critic.

  • Saying a big NO to projects that didn't align with my values.

And guess what? Not only did my results skyrocket, but I started enjoying the journey.

When I finally wised up and changed my approach, using my CLEAR method and doing way less, magic happened… 

I closed the biggest contract of my life, scored sponsorship offers for my newsletter one of them being Hubspot, my favorite CRM, and started enjoying the journey more than a kid on a rollercoaster.

Speaking about Hubspot, I'd love if you could help me by clicking on the link below and checking out the new AI addition to their platform:

Unlock the full potential of your workday with cutting-edge AI strategies and actionable insights, empowering you to achieve unparalleled excellence in the future of work. Download the free guide today!

(Again, the approach above also applies to companies, and you could benefit from it).

From Struggling to Soaring

The view from the top is worth the climb.

But don't just take my word for it. Let me tell you about a client of mine. 

There were A LOT (and this is an understatement) of problems to be addressed.

  • Processes as clear as mud.

  • Directions were more confusing than assembling IKEA furniture blindfolded.

  • Workloads that would make Atlas shrug.

  • Support from leaders is as rare as a unicorn sighting.

  • A team that feels about as valued as a VHS player in 2023.

After a full revamp, the department grew from a measly 3 clients to a whopping 29 in just one year. 

Plus, they increased retention and achieved their first-ever long-term client.

This level of growth would not be possible without full engagement from the team. Which would be impossible if the team was being run into the ground to be more productive.

Final Sip

So, here's the million-dollar takeaway: If you want exceptional growth, you need to:

1. Adopt a precision approach by focusing on fewer things that bring better results.

2. Genuinely care about your team and create an environment where they can shine.

It doesn't matter how many growth strategies you try – if your team is as burned out as overdone toast, you're setting yourself up for failure.

Quick Tips for a Thriving Team:

  • Regular check-ins: Ask your team what they need to do their best work.

  • Celebrate small wins: Recognition goes a long way.

  • Encourage breaks: Productivity isn't about hours worked; it's about results.

  • Lead by example: Show them it's okay to disconnect and recharge.

Remember, a thriving team is like a well-oiled machine – it runs smoother, faster, and longer than one that's constantly overheating.

Until next time, keep brewing that growth-just make sure it doesn't burn your team out in the process!

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